
SK하이닉스와 삼성전자는 지금 사도 늦지 않았음

주삼부칠 2024. 6. 26. 21:26

작년초부터 반도체 주식에 대한 매수는 계속 추천해왔었는데 아직도 사지 않았거나 불과 10~20%의 수익만 남기고 판 사람들이 많음
반도체와 같은 사이클 산업은 고점 신호가 나오기 전까지는 계속 들고가는 것임
편하게 돈 벌 수 있는데 대세 상승장에 손해보는 일이 없으시길
고점 신호가 나오면 제가 알려드리겠습니다.
Analysts at JPMorgan said in a note this week that they expect a strong outlook from Micron Technology despite the early April Taiwan Earthquake impacting current quarter revenues.
Analysts predict significant growth for Micron, citing factors like a strong HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) ramp for Nvidia's new GPUs and continued price increases for both DRAM and NAND memory. JPMorgan anticipates gross margins reaching 34-35% range, exceeding expectations.
"The memory industry is in the early stages of the cyclical up-cycle," say analysts at JPMorgan, expecting continued positive revisions throughout 2024 and 2025. They emphasize the unprecedented growth of HBM, stating, "HBM DRAM is not only a new demand driver in the industry, but is the fastest growing new memory driver in the history of the memory market." This rapid growth leads JPMorgan to suggest a potential peak price for Micron stock closer to $200.
JPMorgan acknowledges some investor caution due to Micron's high valuation but believes the positive earnings revision story justifies investor confidence. While some analysts raised concerns about lower HBM yields impacting Q3 margins, JPMorgan maintains its bullish outlook, citing recent company guidance.
Overall, JPMorgan has a strong positioning score of 8 (out of 10) for Micron. It also sees an implied stock price increase of 13%.

삼성전자의 HBM이 엔비디아에 들어가게되면 상승 속도는 삼성전자가 더 빠를수도..



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