2022년 버크셔해서웨이 주주총회에서
[Daphne] 일반인 참석자
지금 인플레이션이 심한데요. 워렌 버핏님께서는 과거 1970년에서 1975년까지의 고인플레이션 시기를 경험하셨는데, 과거의 경험을 살려서 지금은 어떤 주식을 사면 좋을지 하나만 골라주시면 안될까요?
As you know, for the past four consecutive months, we’ve been going through inflation, with an inflation rate north of 7% for the first time since 1982.
You both have experienced this before, from 1970 to 1975, at a time where your portfolio took paper losses and yet you made some of the best investment choices of your life.
Reflecting on that, my question is, if you had to pick one stock to bet on — (Laughter)
WARREN BUFFETT: You kinda sneaked up on us there for a second. (Laughter)
DAPHNE: — and be resilient in the inflation, which would you choose? And what specifically enables that stock to do very well in what might very likely be a difficult market?
[Warren Buffet]
주식보다 훨씬 더 좋은 것을 알려드릴게요. 무언가 남들보다 끝장나게 잘하는 것을 만드세요. 동네에서 가장 뛰어난 의사일 수도 있고 변호사일 수도 있고 무엇이든 당신이 잘할 수 있는것이 있다면 그것을 대가로 사람들은 돈을 줄 수도 있고 직접 생산한 곡물이나 면(cotton)을 줄 수도 있겠죠. 당신이 가진 기술과 그것들을 바꿀 수 있다면 인플레이션은 문제가 안될 것입니다.
최고의 투자는 바로 당신을 개발하는 것입니다. 여기에는 세금도 없어요. 제가 그러합니다.
Well, I’ll tell you something even better than that one stock. (Laughter)
Maybe we’ll get to one stock.
But the best thing you can do is to be exceptionally good at something. If you’re the best doctor in town, if you’re the best lawyer in town, if you’re the best whatever it may be, no matter whether people are paying you with a zillion dollars or paying with — they’re going to give you some of what they produce in exchange for what you deliver.
And if you’re the one they pick out to do any particular activity, sing, or play baseball, or be their lawyer, whatever it may be, whatever abilities you have can’t be taken away from you, they can’t actually be inflated away from you.
Somebody else will give you some of the wheat they produce, or the cotton, or whatever it may be, and they will trade you for the skill you have.
So, the best investment by far is anything that develops yourself. And, again, it’s not taxed. (Applause) So that’s what I would do.
Morning Session - 2022 Meeting
In the morning session, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger welcome shareholders to the first in-person meeting since 2019, reveal details about their $40 billion buying spree in March, and complain about index funds telling them Buffett should not be both c
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